New Marriage

Our marriage was never blessed with the honeymoon period.  Thanks to the interference of my ex and/or his family.

Not long (less than 6 months) after we were married I was drug into court.  Someone had made accusations that my husband was doing terrible things to one of my children.

Now do not think that I was the naive mother with the attitude that this would never happen.  We all have seen the news on how it can happen and the mother would never know.  It was a very emotional roller coaster that I went on.  While trying to hold on to the thought that there was no way that the man I loved would ever do this, I held in the back of my mind “what if I am wrong”.   While the facts of the situation were coming to light, it became quickly clear that he did not do anything.  Also it came out that due to the fact that I had wrote the divorce papers in a way that prevented child support (on either side) because we were supposed to split the cost of raising the kids (which I did), my ex wanted money since i bought clothes and sent them, bought school supplies, and anything else they needed, he never saw any money directly as at the time of separation he would throw money away on anything he wanted.

This whole process took over a year.  During that time my ex (or who ever started it) was not happy that it was taking so long, so they made more accusations that supposedly had just occurred.  This time my husband was no where near the area they proclaimed, he was over 4 hours away at work.  Although  seemingly a turning point it did not turn around right away.  First I had to endure a few more months of hell, due to the fact of how our attorney situation had taken a turn and the judge did not care that we had a cop and a social worker on our side.

While waiting on court dates we found out that one county’s social worker found him guilty due to a chart.  The chart gave numbers for things like was mother/step father adopted, any criminal background issues, etc…. the fact that I had been adopted as a toddler, my husband had a couple of DUI charges from a couple of years before we met, I had a domestic deferment from when me and my ex were together, she determined he must be guilty.  We  ended up filing an appeal due to this person’s method of evaluation, she did no interviews.

When the court date arrived, we had gotten her report removed, and another county’s cop and social worker showed up to help us out.  We finally won!  Over a year of battling and a couple of thousand dollars later.  This was not the end… only the beginning of the things to come………

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